Friday, October 30, 2009

Bls: Bls: Bls: [honda-megapro] servicce klakson


iyah nih si toms...

Dari: arul_camat <>
Terkirim: Jum, 30 Oktober, 2009 15:21:42
Judul: Re: Bls: Bls: [honda-megapro] servicce klakson

nanya-nanya bengkel klakson stebel kaya dah ganti pake stebel aja nech orang
wakakakakakakakakak aks...... ......... ......... ....

--- Pada Jum, 30/10/09, Goutomo.Prabowo@ id.atlascopco. com <Goutomo.Prabowo@ id.atlascopco. com> menulis:

Dari: Goutomo.Prabowo@ id.atlascopco. com <Goutomo.Prabowo@ id.atlascopco. com>
Judul: Re: Bls: Bls: [honda-megapro] servicce klakson
Kepada: hondamegaproclub@ yahoogroups. com
Tanggal: Jumat, 30 Oktober, 2009, 4:09 AM

Ok thanks infonya om :)

aris sulistiyono

<areez_ok@yahoo. c> To

Sent by: hondamegaproclub@ yahoogroups. com

hondamegaproclub@ cc

yahoogroups. com


Bls: Bls: [honda-megapro] servicce

10/30/2009 03:07 klakson


Please respond to


yahoogroups. com

namanya kalo gak inget yande klakson pak...

____________ _________ _________ __

Dari: "Goutomo.Prabowo@ id.atlascopco. com" <Goutomo.Prabowo@ id.atlascopco. com>

Kepada: hondamegaproclub@ yahoogroups. com

Terkirim: Jum, 30 Oktober, 2009 14:39:47

Judul: Re: Bls: [honda-megapro] servicce klakson

Pinggir jalan ya om ? nama bengkelnya apa ?

Mayan nih deketan ma rumah...

aris sulistiyono

<areez_ok@yahoo. c> To

Sent by: hondamegaproclub@ yahoogroups. com

hondamegaproclub@ cc

yahoogroups. com


Bls: [honda-megapro] servicce

10/30/2009 02:37 klakson


Please respond to


yahoogroups. com

kalau mas bro tau daerah pondok kelapa...deket kober pondok kelapa dari situ gak

jauh bro..

____________ _________ _________ __

Dari: "Goutomo.Prabowo@ id.atlascopco. com" <Goutomo.Prabowo@ id.atlascopco. com>

Kepada: hondamegaproclub@ yahoogroups. com

Terkirim: Kam, 29 Oktober, 2009 17:32:50

Judul: Re: [honda-megapro] servicce klakson

Weww.. di mana tu bro servicena ?

aris sulistiyono

<areez_ok@yahoo. c> To

Sent by: hondamegaproclub@ yahoogroups. com

hondamegaproclub@ cc

yahoogroups. com


[honda-megapro] servicce klakson

10/29/2009 05:31


Please respond to


yahoogroups. com

sharing dikit aakkh mungkin udah pernah..

kemarin saya service klason stable saya yang rusak..

cuma dalam waktu 10 menit..tuuh klakson kelar..alhasil. .

preeew...preewww. ..

cuma kluar duit 25rb duank..

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