Friday, December 31, 2010

Bls: [honda-tiger] mo ganti gear tiger yg cocok pake apa yah


makasih masbro infonya tapi kisaran brapa kalo gear tiger revo nya...mesti
bubut lg gak yah

Dari: Yudi 'JagNe' Setiawan <>
Kepada: HTML <>
Terkirim: Jum, 31 Desember, 2010 12:44:46
Judul: Re: [honda-tiger] mo ganti gear tiger yg cocok pake apa yah

Bisa mas bor......pesen aja di polaris ukuran yg sama dgn tiger.......

Sent from my Jagoan Neon® @ mesin banter, gas Teruuusss...!

-----Original Message-----
From: Tjalek anto Antoe <>
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 2010 01:08:44
To: tjalek anto antoe<>
Subject: [honda-tiger] mo ganti gear tiger yg cocok pake apa yah

mo tanya nih kepada Masbro HTMLer,all brother kalo mo ganti gear set,selain pake

sinnob pake gear bikinan bisa gak yah ada info dr temen bikin gear tiger
didaerah Bonjer..plat baja polos ngebubut sendiri yg kite mo tanyai kl pake
rante bawaaan tiger atau pake pny indopart/aspira plug and play gak yah makasih

ya infonya

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