apapun chapter/wilayah nya tetep MiLYS :)
bebas ikut ngumpul dimana aja kan ya... kaya gw ga jelas kumpulnya hihihi...
*sambil nowel avix single din nya ... :D
On 3/30/2011 1:10 PM, hary.grupmilis@gmail.com wrote:
Bismo krisis identitas.... Salah chok, bkn yg penting sama2 milys tp yg penting nongol kopwil.....
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
From: "CC" <choky783@milys.or.id>Sender: yamaha_scorpio@yahoogroups.comDate: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 06:00:57 +0000ReplyTo: yamaha_scorpio@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [MiLYS] (Info) pendataan anggota MiLYS Barat
Kagak umm bismo ga pindah haluan kok,mau meramaikan barat aja...mau barat ato tangerang seng penting kita di MiLYS◦°◦нê◦нë◦нê◦нë◦нê◦°
by Choky MiLYS 773
B 6979 BTJ a.k.a autoblack34
Powered by Sule-sel otoblackBerry®
From: Blackscorpz <bismogandu680@milys.or.id>Sender: yamaha_scorpio@yahoogroups.comDate: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 12:06:29 +0700ReplyTo: yamaha_scorpio@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [MiLYS] (Info) pendataan anggota MiLYS Barat
Wew si chocky pindah haluan nih wakwakwak !
Ane KTP masih di Jakbar tapi tinggal di Tangerang Selatan....ga boleh
ikut yah ? hehehehehe
On 3/30/11, CC <choky783@milys.or.id> wrote:
> Hadir ayah...
> Choky MiLYS 773
> by Choky MiLYS 773
> B 6979 BTJ a.k.a autoblack34
> Powered by Sule-sel otoblackBerry®
Thanks & regards,
[brotherhood has no border]
-- salam, /dotten/6333PLB/MiLYS798/YscNAD021/ "Human knowledge belongs to the world - Milo Hoffman"
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