Friday, April 30, 2010

Bls: [honda-tiger] HTML 001


bener bener Beh , harus nonggol ya Beh , he he he

Dari: alamsyah faisal <>
Terkirim: Jum, 30 April, 2010 10:27:18
Judul: Re: [honda-tiger] HTML 001


jgn lupa dimana ada ivent apa saja baik touring dll.
harus ikut.


Babeh 0177 HTML Cibinong siraja Touring

http://radiorodja. googlepages. com/

____________ _________ _________ __
From: "prayit_ms@yahoo. com" <prayit_ms@yahoo. com>
To: honda-tiger@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thu, April 29, 2010 7:58:32 PM
Subject: [honda-tiger] HTML 001

Selamat HTML 001 sudah pasang stiker siben kembali,,, jadi tdk ada lagi cela2an dan bisa kritisi lagi ke member yg lain, krn sudah pakai tiger kembali dan berstiker suben,,,,Piisss, ,,,
Prayit Marsesuki With BlackBerry

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bener bener

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