posisi dmna om?
--- Pada Sab, 30/10/10, neo crash <negative.core@gmail.com> menulis:
Dari: neo crash <negative.core@gmail.com>
Judul: [honda-tiger] ketemu+rekan+HTML+Bali
Kepada: honda-tiger@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 30 Oktober, 2010, 9:39 AM
Bro..kr2 ada yg ngejuwal tigi gak yah..ane cari yg taon 99...yg pasti msh
Tengkyu gan..
send by sinyal kuat indosat with samsung-droid
kadang kuenceng kadang lemot.
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HONDA-TIGER MAILING LIST, Where Brotherhood Has No Limit
HONDA-TIGER MAILING LIST, Where Brotherhood Has No Limit