begini bro...naikin aja ukuran main jet nya menjadi 125 / 128 (Keihin/TDR) agak boros emang tapi relatif ya..
--- On Wed, 9/30/09, Bobby <pendi@budiacidjaya.
From: Bobby <pendi@budiacidjaya.
Subject: [honda-tiger] berat tarikannya
To: honda-tiger@
Date: Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 4:26 AM
Salam bro' smua
mo nanya nih,,tigy 2008 gw klo tarikan awal 0-60 masih enteng
tapi klo dah lewat itu berat naeknya,tarikannya bisa sama
kaya bebek tuh,kira2 knapa ya,??
pengaruh gak pake knalpot racing kaliber,..
Mohon infonya Thx Bro...
YbboB Forever
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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