Tuesday, July 19, 2011

[HORNET] (unknown)


it was a real wake up call when I was forced to file for bankruptcy it seemed like I was cornered this allows me to spend my paycheck the way I want to...
http://gimklasa3f.yoyo.pl/AlanMorris24.html now im the one that makes the calls just looking out for you

Recent Activity:
Terima Kasih anda telah ikut serta di dalam Milis ini.

Kalau ingin me-reply, mohon pesan yang tidak di perlukan dan sudah panjang di hapus agar message tidak terlalu panjang
Jangan mem-posting message yang tidak ada Hubungannnya dengan Milis ini, SPAM Mail, Junk Mail, SARA.

Tolong Kerjasamanya...

Terima Kasih,

Moderator Team
